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Telenursing service dialnurse opens network of on demand medical consultation to business community
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PHOENIX, Ariz., September 16, 2013 – On the heels of the successful launch of its unique on-demand telehealth and mhealth (mobile health) services for everyday consumers, DialNurse today announced the expansion of its offering to include private and public enterprises seeking ways to incorporate this form of medical consultation as a central element of healthcare benefits to employees. Companies making use of telehealth and mhealth services benefit from a reduction of costs and a return on investment of 250 – 350% as a direct result of reduced emergency admissions and reduced physician office costs according to data from the Society of Actuaries.
ITCHING | Amerivitals Wellness Series | 10 of 101
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Have you ever felt thousands ants crawling on you skin, where you just want to scratch your skin’s content. If you have experienced it then you know what I am talking about and how it feels. Itch is body’s defense mechanism to some external or internal factors. It can be reaction to chemicals in personal care products, allergies, dryness, skin irritation, reaction to some medicine etc. Itching actually injures your skin. Itching gives some temporary relief but it forms a itch scratch-cycle. Here are some home remedies and life style choices which can diminish itching.
DialNurse Partners with TechTHiNQ for Strategic Communications
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DialNurse is pleased to announce that it has partnered with TechTHiNQ for its strategic communications program. Specializing in industries such as healthcare, TechTHiNQ is assisting DialNurse with its rapid growth plans by communicating the benefits of telenursing to consumers and businesses seeking to control health care costs with the most efficient use of technology.
COLD and COUGH | Amerivitals Wellness Series | 9 of 101
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COLD and COUGH- Runny/stuffy nose, mucus, headache, body ache, cough & postnasal drip if you are one of too many people who have suffered from common cough and cold you know how uncomfortable it is. We spend billions of dollars treating this, unfortunately there is no cure for common cough and cold but some step in the right direction and home remedies can be very effective.
CONSTIPATION | Amerivitals Wellness Series | 8 of 101
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Constipation- can make us really uncomfortable. That feeling of bloating, heaviness, discomfort is no fun. Constipation occurs because of certain medical conditions, lack of movement or exercise, lack of fiber in diet, excess of processed food, lack of water etc. Constipation is not a disease it is a problem. Once we understand why constipation is affecting us, some home remedies and lifestyle changes can treat it very effectively.
ULCER | Amerivitals Wellness Series | 7 of 101
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ULCER – is an erosion in stomach lining caused by gastric juices and bacteria. Ulcers are very painful. contrary to earlier notion that ulcer only comes with stress and eating spicy food, it can happen to any one. If you are suffering from ulcers you know that medicines always does not bring relief. With some life style changes and home remedies ulcers can be controlled. Here are some for you.
HANGOVER | Amerivitals Wellness Series | 6 of 101
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HANGOVER – After partying from dusk to dawn, you are feeling nauseated, spliting headache, sensitivity to light and sound – which is no fun. Excessive consumption of alcohol leads to hangover. The best way to prevent hangover is drinking in moderation, being hydrated before drinking and try not to drink in empty stomach. But incase you got carried away and are dealing with hangover – here are few tips which will make it comfortable for you.
MIGRAINE | Amerivitals Wellness Series | 5 of 101
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MIGRAINE- are headaches accompanied with nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light & sound. Most of the time person is not able to perform routine tasks. Migraines can be very painful and once it starts it is difficult to control it. The best thing is, if you can prevent it before it happens. There are lots of OTC medicines available to control migraine but a change in life style and few home remedies can reduce occurrence of headaches drastically. Here is a cheat sheet for you.
COLIC | Amerivitals Wellness Series | 4 of 101
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You are excited to bring your bundle of joy home and are hoping that s/he will “sleep like a baby”. That is not happening. The baby seems to cry at the same time everyday for extended period of time like a clock work. Nothing is helping her, even after attending to her needs she is not happy. You are not sure what is wrong, what can you do to help this precious baby. Don’t worry you are doing everything right, you just have a colic baby in your hand. It is mostly common between 3-4 weeks to 4-6 months old babies.
DEHYDRATION | Amerivitals Wellness Series – 3 of 101
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DEHYDRATION- is a state when body loses more fluid than its intake. Specially in the summer when we are sweating a lot and body is struggling to maintain a comfortable temperature. Some condition such a diarrhea, diabetes, poor health, fever, prolonged sun exposure etc can lead to dehydration. To remain hydrated is of utmost importance because our body is 60% water (infants 80%) . ref : webMD.
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