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Anemia | Amerivitals Wellness Series | 11 of 101

Oct 19, 2013



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Anemia is a condition in which blood lacks Hemoglobin and cells in the body does not get enough oxygen.It is most common blood condition in the US, over 3.5 million people are affected.It affects infants due to heredity, Child bearing age females and older generation. There are more than 400 type anemia (source: WebMD) and they occur because of various reasons. The most common type of anemia is due to iron deficiency, which is what we will address here today.

Most common symptoms of Anemia are:
Fatigue, shortness of breath, dizziness, weakness, hair loss, pale skin, swelling of face, ringing in ear, confusion, restlessness, depression. Severity of symptom depends on type and stage of anemia. Although it is nutritional deficiency but it can be symptoms of some serious illness as well. There are so many things we can do at home to make sure we don’t get anemic and save a trip to doctor.
a. Most common is to eat food rich in iron. Most cereals and breads these days are iron fortified.
b. Dark green leafy vegetable are a very good source of iron.
c. Avoid excess caffeine as it decrease body’s capacity to absorb iron.
d. If you are vegetarian or on reduced dairy diet you need to be extra careful that you getting daily recommended amount of iron and B12. Make sure you have plenty of Vitamin C which makes absorption of iron and B12 better.
e. Include blackstarp molasses, dates, figs, beet root, raisins, apple which are high in Iron other minerals and vitamin as well.
f. Try soaking yourself in warm Epsom Salt bath to replenish essential minerals in the body in a relaxing way.
d. If you severely deficient try iron pills, it may make you constipated and give black stool though.
With some lifestyle changes and addition of fruits & vegetables an average person can avoid anemia.