Archive for October 2013 | Monthly archive page
Dry Mouth | Amerivitals Wellness Series | 13 of 101
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We all have had mouth as dry as desert on some or the other occasion be it from excitement or shock but those are short lived. Dry mouth/ xerostomia is a serious medical condition.
It is can make everyday routine like eating, swallowing, talking difficult. It can lead to bad breath, gum and teeth problems also. It happen when saliva secretion drops. Usually dry mouth occurs as a part of aging process, side effect of medicine or treatments, symptoms of certain disease.
Diaper Rash | Amerivitals Wellness Series | 12 of 101
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Diaper rash even though it is not a real illness but one of the things that makes life difficult for you and your little one. Diaper rash happens because moist closed space loaded with bacteria is perfect place for rash to grow. It is a type irritant dermatitis of skin. You see your baby in pain, her bottom is red. Every parent have to deal with Diaper rash some or the other time. As a parent myself I hate to put all the chemical on their tender bottom also hated to see my angel in pain. Here is how you can flight diaper rash naturally.
Anemia | Amerivitals Wellness Series | 11 of 101
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Anemia is a condition in which blood lacks Hemoglobin and cells in the body does not get enough oxygen.It is most common blood condition in the US, over 3.5 million people are affected.It affects infants due to heredity, Child bearing age females and older generation. There are more than 400 type anemia (source: WebMD) and they occur because of various reasons. The most common type of anemia is due to iron deficiency, which is what we will address here today.
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